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Cannabis Innovation Through Technology


There are many ways technology is bringing innovation to the cannabis market, ranging from the extraction and measurement of active ingredients, to recipe development of new food and beverage products. We explored some of the innovative technology applications taking place in cannabis and summarized them below:


In the future, cannabis product ratios could be altered to meet particular needs, target specific occasions, and deliver defined sensations. Terpenes could be layered to create specific flavour and scent profiles. Mapping of individual endocannabinoids could allow for the creation of products tailored to a person’s physiology.

Toronto-based Lobo Genetics sells genetic testing kits for those looking to better understand how they will react to cannabis. Their THC genetic test helps consumers understand their sensitivity and mental health risk factors with THC use, and discover how THC can affect their memory. Their CBD test helps consumers understand the impact of CBD on metabolism



Potency Testing

Testing for cannabis product potency has typically been a costly and time consuming process. The Check device offers personalized, portable live potency testing for a wide variety of cannabis products. It is capable of testing edibles, flower, concentrates, and infusions for THC potency, which can be utilized throughout the cannabis supply chain of growers, processors and edible manufacturers. For growers, this can help improve strains through custom hybrids, A/B crop testing, and harvesting at peak potency. For processors, this can help find max potency, better control yield and efficiency, and identify areas of cannabinoid loss. Finally, it also helps edible makers be cannabis-compliant and develop new recipes.


Beyond THC & CBD

The two most popular cannabinoids are THC and CBD, however, there are lesser known versions that can potentially target specific ailments or sensations. With over 100 other cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant, we are just getting started! The image below shows some of the physical and mental affects from 6 researched cannabinoids.
For example, THC-V could be an appetite suppressant for weight loss, or regulates blood sugar levels to aid in diabetes treatment.

CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which has the potential to treat a wide variety of medical ailments such as glaucoma, Huntington’s disease, IBS, and even slow the spread of colon cancer.

CBC is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has shown medical potential for anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties.

CBN has medical potential as an antibacterial agent and neuro-protectant.

While much more research is required, we anticipate to see more cannabinoid innovation in the years to come.




We expect innovation to bring new methods of consumption by improving usability, convenience and safety. The Wisp is like the Keurig of cannabis vaping. They have created a “single-serve” Wisp vapor bottle complete with a line of single-use Wisp pods to make cannabis consumption more convenient, consistent, and mess-free.




Nanotechnology turns fat-based cannabinoids into water-soluble cannabinoids for application in food and beverage products. An additional benefit of using water-soluble cannabinoids in food and beverage production is that it shortens the onset time of cannabis effects. Nextleaf solution said the nanotechnology they have can increase onset time from over 90 minutes to less than 10 minutes when consuming CBD drinks.

There is still research to be done to address the safety concerns of nanotechnology use in cannabis. For example, nanoparticles can permeate into different types of tissues within the human body, and that the emulsification agents used could accumulate in the body.

With a wide range of technology applications available, there is a strong pipeline of cannabis innovation that can drive consumer interest and growth in the cannabis market. Stay tuned for updates as will continue to watch out for innovative technologies, applications and products coming soon.






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